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11 September 2024


Nabywca Załaduj kontrahenta

Oddział rozwiń

Płatnik rozwiń

Przed korektą - aby skorygować wybrana pozycje na fakturze kliknij w ikonkę znajdująca sie z lewej strony

lp. Nazwa towaru/usługi Ilość Jm Cena netto Rabat % Cena netto po rabacie VAT Kwota netto Kwota VAT Kwota brutto
0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00

Po korekcie

lp. Nazwa towaru/usługi Ilość Jm Cena netto Rabat % Cena netto po rabacie VAT Kwota netto Kwota VAT Kwota brutto
Do zapłaty: 0.00
Kwota słownie:
Stawka VAT Netto VAT Brutto
Razem 0.00 0.00 0.00
one thousand,thousands,thousands||million,millions,millions||billion,billions,billions
zero,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine||ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen||twenty,thirty,fourty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety||one hundred,two hundred,three hundred,four hundreed,five hundred,six hundred,seven hundred,eight hundred,nine hundred
Musisz wybrać klienta, aby móc wybrać oddział
Podaj numer NIP
Podaj kod autoryzacyjny
Podany kod jest nieprawidłowy
Brak wystarczającej ilości towaru
Kontrahent został zapisany
Enter the trading partner name
Choose the payment method
Choose the delivery method
Choose the currency
Enter the vendor's name
Enter the buyer's name
Enter the date of issue
Enter the place of issue
Enter the invoice number
An invoice has been added
This document doesn't exist
An invoice has been sent
Enter e-mail address
You can't add this product, it is already added.
Dodaj produkty do faktury
An invoice has been saved
Each position may be corrected only once.
Enter the corrected invoice number
Enter the date of corrected invoice issue
Increase of tax bill
Decrease of tax bill
To pay
Enter the payment date
Enter tthe product name
Enter the product price
Choose the VAT rate
Choose the unit
Product has been added
Data have been loaded and the currency has been changed from [currOld] to [currNew]
The corrective invoice is a document, which corrects the data on the VAT invoice issued previously.
This invoice is issued in the case of correct any mistakes in the amount of goods or services on the right invoice, or even in the case of total return of goods or withdrawal of service.
When preparing the corrective invoice you have to:
save the document identification data, the unique number of corrective invoice, date and place of issuing corrective invoice, the VAT invoice unique number,
date of issuing and date of sales, determine the purchase-sale transaction parties, vendor data, buyer data.
Before correction:
repeat the statement of the transaction subject, the name of goods or services, amount and unit, net price, VAT rate, net amount, VAT amount, pre-tax amount.
After correction:
repeat the statement of goods and services, which need correction or upgrade in the:
name of goods or service, amount or unit, net price, VAT rate, net amount, VAT amount, pre-tax amount, give the reason of correction,
calculate value of all taxes rates and amounts, rates total: net, VAT, pre-tax.

Determine the amount, which have to paid or returned, by digits and words.
Insert the information about the method and the date of payment or repayment, determine the method of delivery or pick-up of corrected items, up to you:
write down the persons empowered to pick-up or issuing the document, write down additional informations.
Corrective invoice must be saved in the program memory or printed.
The saved document may be sent to the recipient via e-mail.
The issuer is obligated to have the acknowledgement from the buyer.