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Invoices in Lithuanian language

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added: 2015-10-24 19:33:17

Another feature of our service is the possibility to issue an invoice in Lithuanian language, you only have to create an invoice in Polish language, and the ainvoices will automatically translate it into Lithuanian.

Note, that the literal translation of the invoice word from Polish to Lithuanian is: Faktūros

What other documents you can issue in Lithuanian on the and what is the translation of their names:

Invoice in Lithuanian - Faktūros

Pro forma in Lithuanian - Sąskaita proforma

Advance invoice in Lithuanian - Išankstinio mokėjimo sąskaita faktūra

Corrective invoice in Lithuanian - Kreditine sąskaita faktura

Bill in Lithuanian - Sąskaita

Sales offer in Lithuanian - Pasiūlymas


How to issue an invoice in Lithuanian

To do this just go to the ‘issue an invoice’ site and enter all data in Polish, which you want to be placed on the Lithuanian invoice.

Another step is the printout of this document. To do this click the print the PDF button, after this the new window with the list of documents types and available languages will appear.

Choose Lithuanian and click the print button. Your invoices in Lithuanian is ready.

Another feature is the possibility to send the Lithuanian invoice directly to your trading partner via e-mail.

After creating an invoice or choosing one of saved invoices (option for logged in users) you have to click the Send e-mail button and choose the type of document, which you want to send.

You can choose between following documents:

Choose the type of document: One piece


2 x invoice + goods issued note

Two pieces


Invoice + 2 x goods issued note


invoice + goods issued note

goods issued note


Another step is the choose of language, you have to choose and mark Lithuanian, enter your trading partner e-mail address and click send button.

Your Lithuanian invoice has been sent.


As always, we look forward to all your suggestions and comments about new function Team

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