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19 January 2025


Buyer Load the trading partner

Agency / Delivery address unfold

Payer unfold

No.Name of goods/serviceAmountUnitNet riceRebate %Net price with rebateVATNet amountVAT amountPre-tax amount

To pay: 0.00
Amount in words:
VAT rateNetVATPre-tax
Kwota Netto
VAT amount
one thousand,thousands,thousands||million,millions,millions||billion,billions,billions
zero,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine||ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen||twenty,thirty,fourty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety||one hundred,two hundred,three hundred,four hundreed,five hundred,six hundred,seven hundred,eight hundred,nine hundred
You have to choose the client, to be able to choose the agency
Enter the VATIN
Enter the authorization code
Invalid code
There is not enough goods
Trading partner has been saved
Enter the trading partner name
You have to choose the client, to be able to add the new agency
Enter the agency name
Agency has been saved
Choose the payment method
Choose the delivery method
Choose the currency
Enter the vendor's name
Enter the buyer's name
Enter the date of issue
Enter the place of issue
Enter the invoice individual number
Invoice has been added
This document doesn't exist
An invoice has been sent
Enter e-mail address
You can't add this product, it is already added.
Add items to an invoice
Invice has been saved
Enter the payment date
Enter the product name
Enter the product price
Choose the VAT rate
Choose the unit
Product has been added
acc. to the NBP's average rates table [number] on the [date].
Exchange rate: [rate] [currEx]/[multi][curr]
Data have been loaded and the currency has been changed from [currOld] to [currNew]

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The VAT invoice is a sales document, which contains all data about the transaction with details. It is issued not earlier than 30 days before releasing of goods or executing the service, and not later than on 15th day of the month, following the month in which this activity took place.
When creating the VAT invoice you have to: save the individual document data, its individual number, dates of issue and sales, determine the sale-purchase transaction parties, vendor's data, buyer's data
determine the subject of the transaction, name of goods or service, amount and unit, net price, VAT rate, net amount, VAT amount, pre-tax amount, calculate values of all taxes rates and amounts, rates total: net, VAT, pre-tax, single the payment amount summary out, enter the information about the payment date and method with words and digits, set the delivery or receive method of the transaction object, up to you:enter persons authorized to receive and issue the document, Enter additional info into an invoice
The issued VAT invoice have to be saved in the program memory or printed. The saved document may be sent to the recipient via e-mail.
We may remain it in an electronic or a paper form, having in mind that we have to keep it for a five years with a individual numbers or dates of issue chronology.
The VAT invoice is a unique type of account document, which is issued by the goods and services taxes payers, and the tax duty arises in the moment of goods delivery or service execution.