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Issuing of similar products, services

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added: 2016-02-02 12:55:15

The function which allows to issue (create) similar product or service by just one click is already available. Issuing of similar products to speedup its entering to an invoice from now is becoming the reality :)


How to issue similar product on

There are three ways to choose:

- issuing from the products adding level, after adding the product/service click the add and add similar button – the system will save added product and will copy its data to give us the ability to add another product.

- issuing from the product list – select the product and click issue similar icon, all selected product data will copy into the adding form

- the third way is adding the product from the product edit level, to do this click the issue similar button and the program will automatically copy all saved data into the adding form.


As always, we look forward to your suggestions and comments about new function

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