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Searching for the products in the invoice

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added: 2016-02-02 12:23:04

Another option we provide to you from now is the ability to search a specific product in the already saved invoices. The product search function works very precisely, so we can precise our query to the result that we need.

How to search the product in invoices saved in the archive

To find the particular product or service, first we have to select the document resources which we want to scan, we can search in all types of invoices and documents:

- searching of products in invoices

- searching of products in pro forma invoices

- searching of products in advance invoices

- searching of products in corrective invoices

- searching of products or services in sales offers

After choosing the desired document you have to enter the name of the product or service you are searching for, next you have to enter into the second box ‘search the product in the document’ and click the search button or ENTER button on the keyboard.

Now the result of documents issued in the particular month will show to us, if the document has been issued earlier we can narrow searching results by clicking on the selected month or by selecting the tab ‘all’, then all documents from the chosen year will show to us.

Searching results may be narrowed or filtered according to our needs, for example we can select which trading partner and which product we are looking for, to do this we enter name or VATIN of trading partner and in the second window the name of product, after this we get results showing all invoices including selected product issued for this particular trading partner.

When do we benefit the option of searching the particular product in the list of documents

- when we want to check how much our client paid for the product for the last time

- when we want to sell the same product for the same client again

- when we want to sell the same product once more

- when we want to check the last sales price or the sales archive of the particular product


As always, we look forward to your suggestions and comments about new function Team


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