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Sending invoices by email

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added: 2015-08-26 15:35:12

Another feature we have prepared for you is an edition of content added along with an invoice to mail you are sending to your trading partner.

This new option allows you to define the content and the title of mail which contains einvoice in a free way, additionally you can put into the mail content such parameters like:

- type of sent document

- document No.

- the name of our company

- an address of our company

- the amount of the invoice

When having these parameters we can, in a free way, define a few templates of sending addressed to different clients.


Thanks to this solution, your invoice may be excellent form of advertising or a source of additional informations about this invoice.

Additionally we can choose which of templates we have already created will be default one and will be added to the mail with an invoice or other document as a standard.

Another feature is sending the document directly from the list of invoices.

At this place we can choose the text template, which will be added along with an e-invoice, which can be edited in a free way before sendind.


As always we are looking forward for your suggestions and comments about new feature. Team


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