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22 October 2024


Buyer Load buyer

Branch / Shipping address expand

Payer expand

Load product from database
Net or gross amount
no Product/Service name Quantity Unit Net price Discount % VAT Net amount VAT amount Gross amount

0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total due: 0.00
Amount in words:
VAT rate Net VAT Gross
Total 0.00 0.00 0.00
one thousand,thousands,thousands||million,millions,millions||billion,billions,billions
zero,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine||ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen||twenty,thirty,fourty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety||one hundred,two hundred,three hundred,four hundreed,five hundred,six hundred,seven hundred,eight hundred,nine hundred
You must choose a client in order to choose a branch
Enter the NIP
Enter the authorisation code
The entered code is invalid
Insufficient amount of the product
The client has been saved
Enter the client name
Select the payment method
Select the shipping method
Select the currency
Enter the seller name
Enter the buyer name
Enter the issue date
Enter issue place
Enter the offer no.
The invoice has been added
The document does not exist
The invoice has been sent
Enter the e-mail address
Cannot add the product, it has already been added.
Add products to the invoice
The invoice has been saved
The sales offer is a document, on which we present to our client goods and the value of its sales or a service value.
The model of service sales offer does not differ much from the model of trade sales offer.
They have the same data, such as: vendor data, buyer data, the subject of transaction and its price.
Last but not the least is to indicate the validity of the offer as well as the preconditions of payment and pick-up.
Templates of the sales offer
Offer templates are less important. It is necessary to specify the subject of transaction and the trading partner.
The sales offer we propose in our program is a ready made, simple model, being a document which may be filled in and sent to the trading partner.
This online document may be issued from any mobile device.
Another feature of system is a possibility to create your own offer and save it to the database, thus creating the carry-on overview of all offers in one place

You have probably many times wondered how to create the sales offer in English?
The English template of sales offer should be filled in using english language, and during printout or sending, by marking appropriate checkbox, you will get your English sales offer in PDF file.
Your offer may be generated or sent via e-mail in more than 22 foreign languages.
There is no other place where you could create so professional offer. Such document may be presented to any trading partner.
Furthermore offers you, to save your time, changing the sales offer into order or invoice printout with one click: VAT invoice, advance incoice, pro forma invoice, bill.
There is no need to type the same data to another document once more